People Search State by State

Choose in which U.S. State you want to conduct a people search:

Washington, D.C.. (DC - District Of Columbia)

To search people in the insular areas of the U.S. such as American Samoa (AS), enter a name and search in "All States" and the result will also contain people in for example American Samoa.

Searching for criminal records?
Criminal records vary from state to state. Criminal records are compiled and updated on local, state, and federal levels by various law enforcement agencies.

Public Records Available In Every US State

There are different laws in every state on how they deal with public records. Some of the US state's public records laws do not allow people to request materials for commercial, political, and litigation purposes

When you search for someone and get their address and phone number, there has to be a public record to find that information. Most public records are available in every US state. A public record is the people's property. We pay our public officials salaries, and we pay for every building, and for everything that's inside those buildings. We pay for computers, furniture, printers, office supplies, air conditioners, electricity, art, wallpaper, books, and for the documents, videos, files, and more that has become a public record.